Kiss me on the Bus

I've been following the Children's Museum issue for a while now and I didn't have much of an opinion until I read this post at the Beachwood Reporter.
I don't want another building in Grant park, but come on, it's not pristine open space. Half of the park is already paved with tennis courts, skating rinks, and ego-fueled architecture. The Beachwood points out, though, how much other neighborhoods would benefit from the Children's Museum. Not to mention how much money they could save and put towards better causes, like maybe keeping our kids alive long enough to go to a museum?
Anyway, last night we ventured towards the Map Room, but the Armitage bus had stopped running by 8:30 (wtf?) so we hit the Green Eye instead.
Fin Du Monde isn't as good as I remembered, I like beers with lots of alcohol, but this time it just had too much of a liquor aftertaste.
That bountiful feast just showed up on our kitchen counter yesterday. I'd eat it, but I think maybe my roommate is a... what's the word for people who have sex with vegetables?

1 comment:

david hayes said...

That last bit made me laugh. That's all.