all day listening to NPR with my hood on like i was actually gonna go outside, which
I might soon...
but NPR was interviewing people in the suburbs about how much it must suck to live
in the burbs if you're trying to be green, and of course how much better the city is
for the environment, and how chicago is supposedly trying to be the greenest big city in america.
then we should have decent recycling, right? how come we have almost no
public recycling program, like the kind san francisco has (recycling thingys on top
of every trash can), and how come my school only just this month started installing
recycling bins in our buildings? Well I'm pretty shitty at this anyway, seeing
how much recycling I tend to generate in bottles and cans, and our building doesn't
have recycling (only a big dumpster) and I haven't even thought about doing anything
about that until now.
yup, threw all that away.